MESO Events, in partnership with Music Innovation Hub (IT), Media Deals (DE), Technoport (LU) and Barcelona Music Tech Hub (ES), is launching the new edition of Music Tech Europe Academy, a 7-month acceleration program addressing 10 European music tech startups, and developed in the framework of Music Moves Europe in 2021.

Music Tech Europe Academy aims at developing the ecosystem of music-tech innovators in Europe and creating a level playing field between tech-savvy entrepreneurs, artists, tech companies and the music industry, encouraging cooperative innovation efforts for the future music ecosystem. 

Over the 7-months period of acceleration, startups will have access to a hybrid and flexible mentorship program with top level experts in music, technology, finance and entrepreneurship, IRL meetups and networking opportunities during industry events, investment pitch sessions, and a vibrant community of digital innovators and music professionals.

MTE Academy kick-off meeting will take place during the 9th edition of Linecheck Music Meeting and Festival, where the selected startups will have the unique opportunity to 

participate in the festival’s events, engage in networking opportunities, and take part in panels, workshops and showcases focused on the music and music-tech industries. This immersive experience will allow them to connect with international industry professionals, gain valuable insights, and showcase their own innovative contributions to different music stakeholders. 

MTE Academy is addressed to European startups and SMEs (already established as companies) as well as non-formal initiatives and projects (pre-company stage), but with a defined Proof of Concept, who adopts innovative technologies to provide business and artistic solutions for the music sector.

The Call for Applications opens today September 6th and the applications deadline is 12 October 2023. Applications procedure, info and full program available at

Partners’ Quotes:

“We are proud and excited that Music Innovation Hub can continue the work started in 2021 with MTE Academy, launching 3 new calls for startups in the next 3 years, in association with partners of absolute European importance in the field of music, technology and entrepreneurship – and that Linecheck is increasingly consolidating as an exchange and growth platform for innovation talents. Through MTE Academy, we intend to support European musical entrepreneurship, enhancing its diversity and increasing its competitiveness at an international level, in a logic of collaboration and listening to the entire musical ecosystem” – Anna Zò, Operations Manager at Music Innovation Hub.

“Based in Athens, Greece, MESO Events empowers artists, music professionals, and entrepreneurs through capacity-building initiatives. Our innovative events like European Music Day and Athens Music Week foster equal access, strengthen the music sector, and unite Greece with the broader European music scene.” – George Perot, Founder and Managing Director at MESO

“For more music tech investment deals, we need to prepare startups to better understand what is the best financing source for their growth” – Thierry Baujard, Founder at Media Deals 

“Successful technology business ventures are about designing, validating and delivering delightful products to target audiences. MTEA as an integrated network of technology owners, music industry operators and technology venture sponsors is an effective matchmaking gateway to kick-off EU early stage music-tech ventures.” – Olivier Zephir, Head of Business Development and Innovation at Technoport

“In its founding purposes, BMTH wants to give the MusicTech sector structure, visibility, presence and influence and to do so it helps companies and entities in the sector to boost their competitiveness, attract talent and attract investment. This program lays the foundations for new technology companies to develop according to proven models” – Jose Luis Zagazeta, President at BMTH

MTE Academy is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of The European Union and it is coordinated by Music Innovation Hub (Italy), in partnership with Media Deals (Germany), Technoport (Luxemburg), MESO Events (Greece) and Barcelona Music Tech Hub (Spain).

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